[C320-list] draft for fin keel

Bill Culbertson billculb_a2 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 16 13:17:40 PST 2005

It changed twice if I remember correctly what Gerry Douglas told us at the Marina Del Rey Regatta (2004) tour.
  You are right that it 1st changed when they went to the deeper bilge.  They didn't change keels so it got a deeper draft.  Then a year or two later, they switched the 320 to using the 310's wing keep which was shorter by about 
the right amount.  That got the 320 draft back closer to what it had been before.
  There is a side-by-side picture of two of the versions on our 320 website.
Jerry <jerrymick at yahoo.com> wrote:
  Beleive that the draft changed when Catalina went from
the shallow bilge to the current deeper one.

Jerry #118

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