[C320-list] It's a dinghy, a fiendish dinghy

Orlando.Duran at AveryDennison.com Orlando.Duran at AveryDennison.com
Tue Apr 18 15:31:32 PDT 2006


Take a look at the new Walker Bay inflatables with a rigid bottom, they appear to very price friendly--although not real storage eaze friendly , also the Caribe with the inflatable floors are very reasonable...

cuba libre 2

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----- Original Message -----
From: C320-List-bounces
Sent: 04/18/2006 03:26 PM
To: C320-List at catalina320.org
Subject: [C320-list] It's a dinghy, a fiendish dinghy

As I look forward to poverty on the imminent boat, I'm thinkin' what can wait a season and where to economize. I was thinking of looking for a used zodiac or similar with an inflatable floor to store more easily. We will be up to 4 people using it at once, mostly in Barnegat Bay for at least this year. Husband balking at the safety of a used inflatable, I'm thinking that if it checks out it should be fine. Opinions? I'd love to just get a little Walker but I'm hearing they're not as stable for 4 adults and not easy to row in choppy water, which the Bay seems be quite often.


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