[C320-list] C320IA

russgm at yahoo.com russgm at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 18 04:43:44 PDT 2006

Why hasn't someone stepped forward to become Commodore yet?  Your investments, your boat, need a solid organization to back them up.  My term exprires on September 30, 2006, and since I am no longer a C320 owner it profits me very little to continue to toil away trying to find a replacement.  It is up to the membership to look within itself and come up with a caretaker, becuase that is all it really is, being Commodore is not alot of work, you just check your e-mails, see if someone has a problem (about once every 2-3 months), write a quarterly article in Mainsheet, and hang a cool Commodore's burgee.  That's it, each of you has the knowledge, experience time and commitment to your boat to put in this time.  
The time is now, we need a volunteer, the regatta and elections will be held in about 3 weeks.  LETS GO! Step up, someone, please.
-Russ Monaco
Commodore C320IA

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