[C320-list] Genoa turning blocks

Stanley Rogacevicz SROGACEV at holycross.edu
Mon Feb 27 04:43:08 PST 2006

   I pulled mine last spring to move my winches aft. It always amazed
me that Catalina would put such a high friction set of blocks in such a
high load area. Those things belong hanging in a tree for a clothesline
or dog run pulley.
   Any way.... Yes they are tapped into a plate. The problem I had with
mine was at construction time someone got a bit carried away with the
bonding sealant - may even 5200 - because when I pried them off chunks
of gelcoat came with them so take care. Hopefully you can cover up the
possible mess with the Ball Bearing Garhauers.
(formerly) "Christy Leigh"
c320 #656
Wickford/Narragansett Bay RI

>>> larry142 at cox.net 2/25/2006 4:11:29 PM >>>
I am planning on replacing the turning blocks on my 2002 C320 from the
Lewmar to Gauhauer that have bearing. I looked today and found no
access to
the under side of the blocks where they are installed. My question is,
the OEM blocks bolted on or tapped into a deck plate glassed into the
The blocks that I have to replace the current ones habe the same bolt

Great Scot #924

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