[C320-list] FW: Re: Head valves-- OK leave open?

Karl Mielenhausen _/) kmielen at iwon.com
Sat Jun 3 04:53:39 PDT 2006


Which one did you install and where?

Karl Mielenhausen

2000 C320 Hull#690 "Silver Lining"

New Bern, NC


From: Dave [mailto: dbrabin at optonline.net]

To: C320-List at catalina320.com

Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 07:12:48 -0400

Subject: Re: [C320-list] Head valves-- OK leave open?

I wonder if a loud bilge alarm would have helped, sooner?  I know (from <br>uh, experience) it's tough to hear the bilge pump running when underway, <br>and/or on deck.  I just installed a bilge alarm for that reason....<br><br>dave<br>"Wind Chill"<br><br>John Van Vessem wrote:<br>> Hi Richard,<br>>    <br>>   It is not the location of the thru hull fitting that matters it is the level of the other end of the pipe, in this case the toilet bowl.  If the toilet bowl is above the water line there is no phisical way that water can over flow, valve or no valve.  However, I have read a story where a boat owner had a party on board, if I remember corectly he had 25 or 30 people on board which drastically lowered the water line and unbeknownst the owner, water was flowing into the boat from the toilet bowl.  The water was coming in pretty fast so the bildge pump could not keep up.  The extra weight of the water coming in added to the raising of the water line (or the sinking of the 
boat.)  Fortunately the owner discovered the problem before a disaster.<br>>    <br>>   I firmly believe that all thru hull fittings should be shut when not in use, but in actuallity, for me, it is just to impractical.  I believe the risk water comming in from the galley sink, or the engine muffler, or the toilet bowl is low enough that i don't have to worry about it.  I should also say, that I sail every week all year round, I do not leave my boat for extended periods, which I'm sure has a lot to do with my confidence.  If I were to leave my boat for 4 or 5 weeks, I might also shut those valves.  By the way I do exercise the valves 3 or 4 times a year.<br>>    <br>>   John (Sojourn 645)<br>><br>> "Richard A. Walker" <dickwalker at att.net> wrote:<br>>   John that is<br>> s bad advice. The thru-hull fitting is below the water line. The C-320<br>> manual and a placard on the boat has a warning to close the head thru-hull<br>> except when using it. The reason is that there is a 
small plastic flapper<br>> valve that has been know to break and that is all that is keeping you boat<br>> from sinking.<br>><br>> Cheers,<br>><br>> Dick Walker<br>> C-320 (687) WindWalker II<br>> 740 Olive Ave.<br>> Coronado, CA 92118-2136<br>> 619.435.8986-----Original Message-----<br>> From: C320-List-bounces at catalina320.com<br>> [mailto:C320-List-bounces at catalina320.com] On Behalf Of John Van Vessem<br>> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 6:11 AM<br>> To: C320-List<br>> Subject: Re: [C320-list] Head valves-- OK leave open?<br>><br>> Len,<br>><br>> I leave the valves open, have not had a problem in the 5 years I've owned<br>> the boat. However I have found that if the bowl is empty when I leave, it<br>> will fill up when I return the next week. So what I do now is fill the<br>> bowl up with fresh water before leaving. I believe the top of the bowl is<br>> above the water line so water can not overflow past that. Unless of course<br>> you have other problems that would cause the 
water line to raise.<br>><br>> John (Sojourn 645)<br>><br>> belairlk at aim.com wrote:<br>> Catalina recommends closing the head seawater intake valve and head<br>> discharge to sea valves when leaving boat. Some owners say it's OK to just<br>> leave them open, as boat won't flood. Any comments or experience to indicate<br>> they should be closed?<br>><br>> Len Krane<br>> Aqua5 #1070<br>> ________________________________________________________________________<br>> Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- 2 GB of storage and industry-leading<br>> spam and email virus protection.<br>><br>><br>><br>> John Van Vessem<br>> Sojourn 645<br>> Vallejo Yacht Club<br>><br>><br>><br>><br>><br>> John Van Vessem<br>> Sojourn 645<br>> Vallejo Yacht Club<br>><br>>   <br><br><br>


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