[C320-list] TuftedTopper Question

Walter burnett selkie2003 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 14 08:45:04 PDT 2006

  We had to do the template thing when we bought one. It seems each one is custome made.
  The topper made a big difference but what really turned the aft cabin cusions into a comfortable bed was a king size "memory" foam mattress pad. I think we got ours at Costco.  You might give that a try before you go the tufted topper route.
  Selkie #887

jonvez at comcast.net wrote:
  With the recent thread on the TT, I decided to purchase one. The problem is that I've been trying to contact them (via the old fashioned phone) since last Friday to ask them if I still need to provide a template of my aft cabin cushions since they have already done many for the 320. Does anyone know? I was also interested in finding out if it is machine washable? I hope this isn't an indication of there Customer Service..... any info would be appreciated...


Jon Vez

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