[C320-list] Correct Dutchman line tension?

Walter burnett selkie2003 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 15 11:19:51 PDT 2006

  The Dutchman manaul has a rather extensive discussion on the proper adjustments of both the mono and CTL.  If you don't have the book, it's on the Dutchman web site referenced earlier in the thread.
  Selkie #887

Koen Bennebroek <vergaar2004-catalina at yahoo.com> wrote:
  I recently had to replace the mono-lines on our
Dutchman system as they had broken. How do I figure
out the optimal tension on the topping lift and the
optimal length of the mono lines (adjusted at the
bottom)? (we have the adjustable system on the topping
lift with the continuous line through the cam cleat)

I initially had the topping lift setup such that my
boomvang could still pull the boom down, but it seems
I have the topping lift too loose now as it sometimes
catches on the backstay triangle, where it never did
before. I also think my mono lines are too long, but
I'm afraid trimming them too short with the hazard of
putting stress on them during sailing.

Any tips on optimal 'trim' ?

Thanks, Koen

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