[C320-list] Dingy Davits

Richard A. Walker dickwalker at att.net
Sun May 28 09:20:17 PDT 2006

I am considering installing Davits on WindWalker so I am asking for some
information.  I have a 8'9"" dingy with a 4 HP e Cycle outboard.  I think
the entire dingy with the motor weighs about  110-120 lbs.

1.	Has anyone installed the Garhauer davits?  They list for $600 and
seem to be a real bargain. 
2.	How far apart is the cross brace?
3.	Can you email me an image.  I am interested ion exactly where they
are attached.
4.	How have other brands worked?

Dick Walker
C-320 (687) WindWalker II
740 Olive Ave.
Coronado, CA 92118-2136

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