[C320-list] Cracking in sump area and the WingKeel debate

Stan ola7442000 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 25 18:21:24 PST 2006

As far as sailing closer to the wind on one tack or the other I found after
checking all physical things I could think of it, occurred to me that maybe
my windpoint was five degrees off.  Really, when you think about it who
could see a 5 degree difference in tacks without electronics.  After taking
the time to align the windpoint the best I can do is 28 degrees apparent on
both tacks.  However, I still sail faster on a port tack.  Now that has to
be the 320 list.

"Our Little Amusement" #744

On 11/24/06, Warren Updike <wupdike at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Jeff, I thought that it was my imagination or lack of skill in trimming;
> but, indeed, I think I sail closer on one tack than the other.  What is the
> explanation for this?  Might it have someting to do with the "Catalina
> List?"
> Warren & Pattie Updike
> C320, #62, 1994, "Warr De Mar"
> Frog Mortar Creek, Middle River
> Chesapeake Bay

"Our Little Amusement"

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