[C320-list] No Gas to Stove

Amirault Family amiraults at sympatico.ca
Sun Jun 3 06:45:25 PDT 2007


Now that Waltzing Bear, too is fully rigged and the race season has 
started, I have been spending dock time attempting to get her ready for 

The stove will not light as no is gas flowing to the burners. I 
opened/closed the tank to charge the system to check for leaks. There is 
a switch on the electrical panel which I powered and heard a clicking 
sound somewhere aft of the chart table. I opened the tank, turned on a 
burner and saw spark when I fired it, but no flame. I also used a BBQ 
lighter. I took the tank for filling (the gauge now shows 150) and 
repeated the process with the same result. Following repeated tries I 
did find that a small cube in the tank locker  which is both physically 
connected into the hose system and apparently also wired into the 
electrical system, was uncomfortably hot ot the touch.

I have since closed down all and referred the problem here. Please sort 
me out.

Brian Amirault;
797 Waltzing Bear, too

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