[C320-list] Where should we move to?

Dave Sparks dlsparks at gmail.com
Sun May 6 18:03:06 PDT 2007

   Isn't it interesting that not a single person from Florida has made a
pitch for sailing conditions in this state?
I don't think that would have been the case a few years ago.
   I sailed on the Chesapeake for 8 years and loved it, except in July and
August. The hot humid, often windless days of July and
August inspired me to sail to Maine during those months, and I became
addicted to sailing in Maine (in the summer). The Chesapeake was high on my
list of places to retire. Negative factors (for retirement) were the
relatively high costs (in Maryland) of waterfront property and health
insurance, unfavorable income taxes on retirement funds (no exemptions), and
high estate taxes.
   We decided to retire on the Florida panhandle, which also has great
sailing - but not nearly the variety of relatively contiguous anchorages. I
don't know if I would make the same decision now. After Ivan, Dennis,
Katrina, etc. the costs of slips, boat and house insurance, and property
taxes have increased dramatically. The current cost of my slip for my C320
is slightly more than friends are paying for a slip for their 45' ketch on
San Francisco Bay. Boaters are being treated as "cash cows". My marina
recently made this offer: for only $1500 I can be near the top of the list
for haul-out if a hurricane is approaching this area in 2007. If there are
no hurricanes, there is no refund. Such a deal! I suspect that the price
will increase for the 2008 year, especially if a tropical storm or hurricane
comes ashore in this area. I chose not to participate.

   Dave Sparks
   Pensacola, Florida

On 5/6/07, Allan Field <Allan.Field at comcast.net> wrote:
> Bob - I lived in Centralia as a kid and my parents lived in Puyallup until
> they passed away.  So I know your waters fairly well, fog and all.  Nice
> place to visit but I'll still take the Chesapeake! - Allan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: c320-list-bounces at catalina320.com
> [mailto:c320-list-bounces at catalina320.com] On Behalf Of R Airis
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 8:11 PM
> To: C320-List
> Subject: Re: [C320-list] Where should we move to?
> Seattle & Pacific NW last July, Aug. & Sept  75-85f  ......1/4" rain for 3
> months!
> Sure beats  95 with  95%  Humitity  I`ve sailed in the Chesapeke in the
> summer many times and for a Seattle guy thats HOT. It does go down to 90
> or
> so at night!!  You get to hear the A/C  run all night.
> All in fun
> Bob
> Hale Kai 2

David Sparks
dlsparks at gmail.com

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