[C320-list] stripe replacement?

Chris Burti clburti at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 12:00:19 PDT 2008

It has been a couple of years since I have done any large graphics and I am
sure that I forgotten something, but here are some application hints for
vinyl graphics:

Cool days are good, cold ones are not so good as the vinyl gets brittle and
hot ones are not bad, but the lubricant recommended below drys awfully fast

An extra pair of hands is invaluable, but you can do it alone though it is
then a much tougher job.

Scribe a pencil mark all along the hull as a guide, use the old decal as a
template if you can. If you are installing the decal above your eyes from
the ground, mark the line for the bottom of the decal. If working from above
looking down, mark your line for the top of the decal.

I always use a little trigger pump spray bottle with a little dish detergent
added to water as a lubricant. This is sprayed on the hull just ahead of
where you are applying the decal. This lets you move the decal around to the
correct position and eases the removal of air bubbles. The detergent is just
a surfactant to insure thorough wetting of the hull. Too much detergent
permits the decal to slide too much and you will find it moving when you
don't want it to. Too little and it dries too fast. 1/2 teaspoon per quart
is a good rule of thumb.

Start at one end with the first couple of inches dry and started very
carefully, then peel the backing forward spraying the hull and applying the
decal as you go. Check alignment with your pencil line constantly and
squeegee the air out from under the decal as you go. I use the squeegees
used for applying bondo that you can buy individually from good auto supply
stores. They are firm enough to get the air out, but flexible enough not to
damage the decal.

The warmer the weather, the water lubricant will dry out faster and once it
is dry, you will not be able to easily reposition the decal and the only way
to get the air out without causing wrinkles is with a pinprick.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 2:01 PM, MARTIN and SUSAN RAPHAEL <mraphael at q.com>wrote:

> If you don't mind a couple more questions....
> 1.  What setting did you use on the heat gun and how far away from the
> stripe did you hold it?  Never having used a heat gun, I am concerned about
> using too much heat and damaging the finish.  Do you think a hair dryer
> would work for this purpose?
> 2.  Do you know what kind of outside temperature and moisture conditions
> are needed to apply the new tape?  Should I wait for a warm, dry day or is
> the tape pretty forgiving?
> Thanks,
> Martin Raphael
> Rhapsody #108
> --
> Chris Burti Farmville, NC

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