[C320-list] Water Heater By-Pass

wflowe3 at netscape.net wflowe3 at netscape.net
Sun Oct 18 07:29:32 PDT 2009

There was a thread recently on this subject so I thought I'd follow up. I installed a very easy by-pass and have put up a couple of photos on the owners website gallery for anyone that night be interested. Although the by-pass is temporary and will have to be undone next season, the total cost is under a dollar and the labor was less than 30 min.  First I removed the galley drawers and the cabinet that they fit into (six screws hold the cabinet in place), I then drained the heater. After I installed the by-pass, I used a small shop vac with some reducer attachments that I got at home Depot to suck any remaining water from the heater ( there was hardly any water left in it). I then drained both water tanks, disconnected the water lines at the fresh water pump, and used the shop vac with its reducers to alternately blow and suck all water from the water lines and faucets. 

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