[C320-list] Fridge Usage

Stephen Cox scox at timmin.com
Mon Dec 5 22:54:02 PST 2011

> Is a battery monitor something that can be done by a non- 
> professional or should I mortgage the house and get a marine 
> electrician to do it? 
> *************************

Its not rocket science to install a battery monitor.  There is a shunt which
is a little bit like a large fuse block.  You insert this in the negative
return line just before your battery so you need to get a suitably large
capacity (same or bigger than currently fitted) battery lead to connect the
shunt to the battery bank.  You remove the negative connection from the
battery and put in on the other end of the shunt.  There are then two wires,
small capacity as they just carry a reading of the voltage drop across the
shunt, that go back to the monitor.  

See http://webserver.flak.no/vbilder/10128.pdf  for the instructions on
installing the BEP 600-DCM that I use.  It can monitor up to three battery
banks for voltage and one of those for usage and capacity.  Alternately one
of the bank readings can be repurposed to monitor your bilge pump and it
will tell you how often and for how long it has run since last reset - very

Clipper and Xantrex amongst others also make battery monitors that may well
be cheaper or suit you more. 

Stephen Cox
Tegwen #1141

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