[C320-list] Dawn soap

Chris Burti clburti at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 14:17:56 PDT 2012

There are five "Must Have" cleaners aboard Commitment...Dawn, Zud,
Kaboom, Clorox and Meguires Plastic Polish.

Dawn for dishes, decks, bilge and anything oily/greasy.

Zud (or Barkeepers Friend) for rust removal, bleaching teak or water
stains in wood and wherever a mildly abrasive cleanser/bleach is
required. Active ingredient is Oxalic acid,a strong organic acid that
is a reducing agent and does not harm fibers in wood or fabric.
Literally counters the rust/oxidation process.

Kaboom, oxalic acid again, great for removing stains from the deck and
hull, kills mildew.

Chlorox (small bottle) for cleaning the reefer and to pour a small
amount down the drains to keep the growth of algea at bay.

Meguires for keeping the dodger panels crystal clear.

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 5:02 PM,  <jpmesa at aol.com> wrote:
> In the film industry we use dawn dish soap to clean projection screens. It is also used to clean oil off birds and other animals from oil spills.  I was wondering if anyone has tried using it on their boat.  It has a very good rep on being friendly to the environment.  Thanks, John   Holokai 2

Chris Burti
Farmville, NC

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