[C320-list] Is there a weight limit to going to the top of the mast.

Warren Updike wupdike at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 6 13:04:18 PDT 2012

This may help. A while ago a local club member wrote and article about how
he made a climber from some climbing ascenders and nylon webbing.  This
allows the climber to ascend/descend the mast with no help other than
someone on the safety line.  He even tends his own safety line by letting it
slack, securing it to his harness, and making more slack when it's taught.
If I can find it, I'll post it on the 320 site.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Murphy [mailto:tony at midwestphysics.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 2:56 PM
To: C320-List at Catalina320.com
Subject: Re: [C320-list] Is there a weight limit to going to the top of the

Well... There's no duh for me on this answer. After putting up two lines and
a redundant harness so I don't come crashing down from a line failure, this
method of relying on my "partner" to manually hold the line and ease it
under control seems way out in the left field danger zone.  I suppose having
two people each supporting one of my lines would add to the safety, but it
still seems as though I'm only a slip, stroke, or heart attack away from
crashing to the deck from 30-40'. 

Is there no "mechanical" way for my wife to control descent without the need
to enlist additional assistance?  Maybe I need to look into this MastClimber
setup after all. 

Tony M. 
Bella Sol 886
Walker, MN

Sent from my iPhone 

On Jul 6, 2012, at 1:32 PM, Irving Grunes <igrunes at gmail.com> wrote:

> Easing both lines on winches slowly with several turns to control 
> descent Good Luck Irv
> 2001 #851
> On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Tony Murphy <tony at midwestphysics.com>
>> Ok... Forgive the newbie question here, but I understand completely 
>> the process of using the winch to hoist the person in the bosun's 
>> chair, along with a second safety line (preferably attached to a 
>> separate harness and not the bosun's chair) running through a cam....  
>> But not having done this yet, what is the process for lowering the 
>> 225lb guy from the top?  I'm thinking the answer will be obvious and
yield a "duh!" once I hear it....
>> But I don't want to sacrifice safety, so would appreciate any responses.
>> Tony M.
>> Bella Sol 886
>> Walker, MN
>> --
>> Sent from my iPhone

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