[C320-list] dinghy davits

Jeff Hare catalina at thehares.com
Wed Feb 26 10:03:11 PST 2014

Hi Barb,

Where you sail makes a big difference in what options will work best.

We sail in the northeast (us) and conditions can range from calm to very rough.  Here are some pros and cons I know of first hand.

In relatively calm conditions, this works fine except the drag is very noticeable.  In following seas, this can be a nightmare with the dinghy surfing at the boat and then the line going tight and being jerker back to the boat.  Takes someone dedicated to keeping the line under control. We did this a few times and it wasn't worth the trouble.

Weaver snap Davits:
Dinghy rides fine in most sea states.  Launching and reloading is a real challenge in any kind of bumpy sea state.  The mechanism can easily puncture your dinghy when the boat is rocking or hobby horsing at anchor or mooring.  A friend replaced his after a couple seasons and 3 punctures trying to launch and retrieve the dinghy in rough anchorages.

Garhauer 1-1/4" Davits:
We have these. The only negative is that you have to be careful to keep the drain plug open and the aft end lowered slightly when leaving the boat in rainy regions. Makes the swim platform easier to use with the crossbar available for support getting in and out of dinghy.  The Davit ropes make good hand holds also. Makes a great place to store stuff while under way.

I recommend strong Davits over all the alternatives.  We keep our outboard attached all the time and only remove the fuel tank. Very convenient.  Best addition to our boat yet.

Jeff hare

On Feb 25, 2014, at 2:27 PM, Barbara Uhlman <uhlman at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> We recently bought a dinghy (9.5', I think) and are looking at various types of davit or carrying devices.  Have any suggestions?  A neighbor suggested "dinghy-tow".  Good experiences with one system or bad with another.  Price?  Where to get it?
> Thanks.
> Barb Uhlman
> Whisper, #1158

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