[C320-list] Mainsheet help

Chris Burti clburti at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 09:26:50 PDT 2015

I'm in the middle of a hard disk crash crisis on my home computer and
apparently did not back up my folder with the Mainsheet articles.

I have an article due shortly and would deeply appreciate anyone  who has
recently done a major project and taken pictures sending me a writeup.
Don't worry about polished writing skills, just state the essential facts
and I''l polish it for you. I need a few high resolution pictures that
illustrate the project, a parts list and sources if possible, plus anything
you learned that suggests how you might have done something differently.
Please include your boat name and hull number as well.

If you have previously sent me a submission and it hasn't made it to
Mainsheet yet, please resubmit your article...those along with my list of
published articles are what I can't get at right now.

Chris Burti
C-320 IA Technical Editor
Commitment, #867
Farmville, NC

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