[C320-list] Knock, knock, who's there?

B. Stumpp bstumpp at comcast.net
Sun May 10 13:40:03 PDT 2015

We went out for our first Spring sail this afternoon.  Everything worked
great BUT with the engine running and turning left I get a knocking sound
with what seems like every revolution of the prop shaft.  It does not make
the noise when going straight, turning right or in either direction in
reverse.     If I speed up the engine the noise  goes faster.  I stuck my
head in the engine compartment both in front of and behind the bulkhead,
the sound is emanating farther back towards the stern.  It's not  a real
loud knock but kind of like someone lightly tapping on the deck with a
hammer as a surveyor does when checking for moisture.   Before we launched
the cutlass bearing and strut all seemed fine.  Has anyone experienced this


Bruce Stumpp

Adventure, #647 

Frog Mortar Creek, Maryland   


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