[C320-list] Aqualift Muffler

Scott Westwood scottwestwood at bellsouth.net
Fri Oct 5 03:03:24 PDT 2018

Last time out I noticed some water around the Aqualift Muffler.  (Large white Square cube on exhaust).  I have seen some posts that you can repair it.  Wife, (and I) are on a mission to have a bilge that is as dry as possible.
NOTE: I have not looked in detail yet for a source of the water (clamps etc...) .  I only say it around the base of the Aq Muffler while adjusting my newly packed stuffing tube underway.  Because of the comments on this forum it sounds like a likely source??
Question: Can I remove the Aq Muffler for inspection without any siphon issues?  Engine intake closed of course.  Exhaust is above water line so should not be an issue but have to ask??
I saw the point of installing some sort of "cushion" in place to help with vibration in the future.  Still looking for option here.
Also,  Anything else (besides obvious hose inspection) that is worth doing while I have the muffler off? 
Scott Westwood scottwestwood at bellsouth.net H (919)-362-8538    C (919)-618-7185

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