[C320-list] Discussion List upgrade

david.allred at verizon.net david.allred at verizon.net
Tue Jun 18 08:06:58 PDT 2019

 Jeff--Thanks for all the work you have done for the association for so many years, and thanks for this upgrade.  There is nothing more important and useful to our association than the discussion list and the archives.  You are a gem and we know it.An Admirer,
David Allred
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Hare <Catalina at thehares.com>
To: C320-List <C320-List at Catalina320.com>
Sent: Tue, Jun 18, 2019 10:47 am
Subject: [C320-list] Discussion List upgrade

Hello all,


It's time for an upgrade.  Ok, way past time, but we're all volunteers and
super busy right?  :-)



Today the c320-list is an email discussion list running at our hosting
company.  It has the benefit of storing all the discussion history in text
format that we can download and keep handy if we like.  We don't allow
pictures or attachments to be posted because we don't have any way to
moderate content out of the archives once they've been posted.  


Today we also send a copy of every post over to our C320-List on
GoogleGroups.  That group has no members so it acts like there's just one
really busy member posting all this stuff.  That's why nobody can post or
respond directly to messages you read there, but you can browse/search that
discussion group with your web browser.  


We've been doing this for years.  



It's time to reverse that whole thing and allow you to participate only
through the C320-List Google Groups (via email and/or web browser as you


The association itself will continue to use our current email list only to
archive all incoming content so that we don't lose any of it but it will
stop being used for delivering discussion list emails.  GoogleGroups will
assume that role.  (BTW, It would be great if we could get volunteers to dig
through those and turn that into technical articles/FAQs on our website.)



We will need to remove everyone from the current C320-List and ADD you as
members to our Google C320-List.  We should be able to do this for you in
bulk,  but I think we'll need to get your consent first because we do not
want to be flagged as building a list with members who do not want to be
included.  If you'd rather use another email address, like your gmail,
comcast or AOL email address instead of what you're using today you'll be
able to do that.  


In order to do this, we may create an Opt-In form on our C320.org website
and request that you fill it in to give us permission to move you.  If you
want to join the google C320-List on your own later that will always be
possible of course.


We will provide advanced notice when we'll do this.  Once we start this
process the old list will be shut down and the GoogleGroup list will start
up and allow participation both Online via web browser and also via email.


Posting Pictures and Videos will be permitted.  Yea!



I will be finishing the migration plan later this week and will send another
short email as soon as I can with exactly what we need you to do and when.  


We will also post this information on the front page of the C320 website so
you'll be able to go there and understand what you need to do if you want to
participate.  I hope to have this completed over the next couple weeks,
barring personal schedule conflicts.


There will probably be some hiccups in this process, so try to be


Feel free to provide feedback if you have concerns, comments, or volunteer
if you want to help get this done faster.  :-) 



Jeff Hare 













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