[C320-list] Hull striping

David Veeneman davidv at veeneman.com
Fri Mar 20 17:35:43 PDT 2020

My wife and I restriped the hull of our boat today. I thought I’d give a plug to the fellow we bought out striping tape from, www.hullstripes.com <http://www.hullstripes.com/>. Why the plug? He makes up custom rolls of tape—you tell him what colors you want, how wide each stripe should be, and how much space to allow between each stripe. He makes up a custom roll of tape with all of the stripes, properly spaced, on backing paper. It’s very easy to put on straight; we did a double-stripe on our boat in about three hours, including surface prep. It’s a little pricey ($100 for my boat), but I think it was worth every penny.

David Veeneman
Dana Point, CA
SV Adelante, C320 #131

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