[C320-list] Water Heater

Dave Hupe hoopdtwo at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 26 18:32:55 PDT 2020

 Absolutely yes Dan the water heater can be bypassed. 
Early after buying our boat the engine water pump seized up and I replaced it.  During previous ownership the water heater had failed and been completely removed and not replaced by the previous owner.  They just simply connected the 2 hoses in a loop under the galley sink after removing the heater. 
When I replaced my water pump, I went one step farther and disconnected the old hoses on the engine.  I instead installed a short loop of heater hose at the engine.  I curled up the old hoses to the heater in the engine compartment just in case a new owner might want to install a new water heater. Everything has worked fine with my engine since then.
Dave Hupe
1994 C320 (#32)    Perkins Perama M30  

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