[C320-list] new boat terrors

Orlando.Duran at AveryDennison.com Orlando.Duran at AveryDennison.com
Thu Apr 13 21:33:27 PDT 2006

There's absolutely nothing better than cruising from a harbor far away to yours on your delivery.

When I bought cuba libre 2, C320 #112 in 1994, I sailed from Newport Beach to Marina del Rey (42nm), it was a great experience, being on the helm of YOUR boat!! That first time leaving and entering harbors was just wonderful.

Later this summer when I get the keys to cuba libre 3, CM440 #35, I will sail it from San Francisco to Marina del Rey, and my thoughts are the same as yours--Damm, I can't wait!

You will love the 320, it's a fantastic boat--both racing and cruising


Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

----- Original Message -----
From: C320-List-bounces
Sent: 04/13/2006 08:05 PM
To: C320-List at catalina320.org
Subject: Re: [C320-list] new boat terrors

Thanks to everyone for the help and ideas, I have to read everything again this weekend when I'm awake (bad closing week at Vanity Fair, new software, nothing works right).

I should mention that I meant that it's the little bay (Barnegat) and not the big ole Chesapeake. The boat's coming in to G. Winters at Riverside, and when it's ready to go, they'll get us a delivery skipper and we'll go around and up to Cedar Creek in Barnegat Bay. They could just deliver it but I wouldn't miss the trip. I've never been around both sides of Jersey like that.

I spoke to the loan agent and apparently I'm not allowed to do the USCG cert. myself as the bank is involved, but at the urging of my dealer I've argued the price with the agent who will "see" about getting it lowered, my dealer told me it's the agent's own people who do the work so they should be negotiable. We'll see.

Damn, I can't wait!


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