[C320-list] Forums vs. email-list (was thongs.. :)

Ben Waltuck benw at sun.com
Sun Aug 27 12:23:58 PDT 2006

To the folks that are requesting a forum only, are you aware of the web 
interface to the current email list?
it even has subjects broken out per month or year:
perhaps the only thing missing is a search engine, but that's not an 
easy thing to implement...

If you don't like the volume of the emails, then I'd suggest that you 
either set up a filter or just use the web interface.
You could unsubscribe from the list but still be able to mail in 
questions and check the website for answers.

BUT...if everyone just used the forums or web interface, it'd take much 
longer for answers, we'd lose quick access to many knowledgeable 
sailors, and eventually there would be nobody listening to answer your 

Just my $.02

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