[C320-list] Zodiac

Wes.Giles at averydennison.com Wes.Giles at averydennison.com
Wed Dec 20 09:19:48 PST 2006


I have the 8.5 ft Zodiac currently. I sometimes tow it across San Pedro
Channel (about 30 miles), and sometimes leave it on the foredeck. It tows
well. You simply have to position it correctly behind you. I use a Yamaha
4hp 4 stroke, that weighs about 45 lbs, and plan to get a Garhauer lifting
davit. It is not difficult to move from the boat to the dinghy and back,
if you're careful and use a tether.  I've seen folks use a vang attached
to the end of the boom to aid in the process.

As far as flooring is concerned, I would never have a wood floor. Mine is
inflatable, with a inflatable keel as well. I've had four adults in it
without issue in the coves at Catalina Island. I've seen too many folks
struggle trying to install, and remove those wood floors. Some folks have
12 volt inflating devices to aid in inflating the craft. Others just use
good 'ole foot power.

Also, I never tow it with the outboard on it.

Spring Fever
former 320 #790 now 387 #53

             "Jeff Church"                                                
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             g                                                    Subject 
                                      [C320-list] Zodiac                  
             12/19/2006 05:20                                             
              Please respond                                              
             <c320-list at catal                                             


I'm going to purchase an 8.5 foot Zodiac inflatable and I'm wondering how
small a motor I can use. I'll mainly use the zodiac when we go cruising
Lake Michigan and need to transport the 2 of us around an anchorage. I
don't intend to bother with davits or a crane.

I've got a few shoulder problems and I don't look forward to lifting a
heavy motor off the dinghy transom and up to the stern perch. Anything
much heavier than 40 pounds will probably be a bit uncomfortable, but I'm
concerned that the smaller motors won't have enough power. A new 2 hp
motor is around 27 lbs, 4 hp motors weigh about 55 pounds.

Do any of you use a 2 horse motor on an 8 foot zodiac? Is it strong enough
to push through some wind and chop in an anchorage, or do I really need a
3.5 or 4 horse to do the job? What minimum horsepower would you recommend?

The local Zodiac dealer has a 1996 Johnson 4 hp 2-cycle for sale. He wants
$495 for it. I think it weighs 38 pounds. That puts it at about the same
weight as a new 4-cycle 2.5 to 3.5 hp motor. It doesn't have a reverse
gear, but that seems to be fairly common in motors that are under 5 hp.
Maybe this motor would be a good choice?

Thanks and Happy Holidays


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