[C320-list] New Genoa

Orlando.Duran at AveryDennison.com Orlando.Duran at AveryDennison.com
Thu Jan 26 15:48:31 PST 2006


It seems to me that what other folks have or say should be
irrelevant...talk with your sailmaker, he knows your area, the boat, etc.,
his opinion should be vastly more important than anyone else's on this

cuba libre 2

             "Jeff Church"                                                
             <jjemail at comcast                                             
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             g                                                    Subject 
                                      [C320-list] New Genoa               
             01/26/2006 03:40                                             
              Please respond                                              
             <C320-List at catal                                             

I'm buying a new genoa and I have a question for those of you who haven't
hauled for the season or might have a better memory than I have.

With the standard Catalina 150%, how high is the clew off the deck when
close hauled? I vaguely picture it at about the same height as the top
lifeline which I think is 24" off the deck.

Also, If you have a newer aftermarket genoa, is it a 150% or 155%? My
original is marked 150% on the sail bag. The sailmaker is recommending a
155% with a clew that is about 18" off the deck.



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