[C320-list] Leadership Needed

Karl Mielenhausen _/) kmielen at iwon.com
Sat Aug 25 05:44:24 PDT 2007

Hello C320 Association Members,

Please take a moment from your busy lives (which hopefully include a fair amount of sailing activity) to think about what you want from the association in the future.

Not unlike several of the other Catalina organizations, we find ourselves at a critical juncture because of the turnover of our officers.

Our Chief Measurer and our Mainsheet Editor have both now retired from their duties, and our Commodore will be selling his boat shortly. As a result, NOW is the time for YOU to step forward and volunteer to help provide leadership for this organization. I am agreeable to helping out as needed next year, either as Commodore or as Mainsheet Editor, but we need other owners to step up and get involved as officers.

We have an association conference call on Tuesday evening to discuss our future, the officer slate, and the balloting process. PLEASE LET US HEAR FROM YOU BEFORE THEN.

Karl Mielenhausen

Vice Commodore, C320IA

kmielen (at) suddenlink.net

Mike LaChance

Commodore, C320IA

MBLACHAN (at) travelers.com


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