[C320-list] A couple of winterizing tips...

Jon Vez jonvez at comcast.net
Mon Nov 17 11:46:07 PST 2008

.for those of you who have to L


*Check the propane locker. Many of our boats have a situation where the
locker doesn't drain completely (a safety issue, but that's for another
post) so you may want to pull out the tank and use a wet/dry to suck any
water out of the bottom of the locker *and* in the drain hose and pour a
little AF in there.


*also check the area around the rudder stock where the emergency tiller
goes. This is another area that collects water.


These are a couple of areas that I have added to my winter check list that
tend to be overlooked.




Jon Vez

Solstice #582

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