[C320-list] Whisker pole set up NOW Using Autopilot to Tack

Chris Burti clburti at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 08:32:35 PDT 2010

It has been quite a while since my wind instrument worked and even longer
since I set the parameters, but the instructions are in the RM manual and
easy to follow. If your manual is lost you can download a PDF from the RM
tech page.

I think I set mine for a bit more than than 100 degrees to avoid getting
into irons while winching in the sheet and to let the boat power up before
fine adjustments.

The 10 degrees put our boat pretty close to where it will sail effectively
close hauled on the AP by the wind (when it worked), but not close enough to
suit me. When you have the sail and the AP set like you want it, you press
the two buttons to sail by the wind for that point of sail.

Just using the tack feature was not precise enough to suit me. I found that
the boat would sail very close to the wind upwind on the AP, but never
exactly the same number of degrees on opposite tacks.
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:41 PM, Amirault Family - S&B <
amiraults at sympatico.ca> wrote:

> Clburti:
> So, set the autopilot to tack (I don't now know what it is set to, but
> factory is 100 degrees) and then work the jib sheets with full faith in the
> pilot to move the boat thru the wind. When the pilot completes its work on
> the new heading, press the 10 degree button on the windward side and adjust
> the jib sheet accordingly. Then it is back to happy sailing.
> I will likely attempt that tomorrow as I have the day off and the wind is
> predicted to be from the south. For this relief, much thanks.
> Brian Amirault
> 797 waltzing Bear, too

Chris Burti Farmville, NC

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