[C320-list] Is there a weight limit to going to the top of the mast.

kenneth bousum kenb711 at wowway.com
Thu Jul 5 17:46:47 PDT 2012

John I would only use a bosun's chair to go up the mast.If that person is to heavy for one man to grind up you can run the line across the cabin top to the other wench and use two men.Then use the windless for the safety.I once saw a man go up on a climber alone he had a heart attack 3/4 the way and fell .Ken B #711 
----- Original Message -----
Is there weight limit to "climbing" the mast on the 320 using either a 
bosun chair or mast climber etc? We have a wing keel. I wouldn't want to 
lay her down.   (And no I am not going to say how much I weigh.) 


John Meyers 
Wind Chime 406 

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