[C320-list] Mailing List or Forum

Stephen Cox scox at timmin.com
Sun Jul 15 20:55:40 PDT 2012

I am with Jeff on this, email is a far more convenient way to keep track of
things from day to day.  It may mean a bit of effort for newcomers
researching a particular topic but if you can't find it using the Google
group forum search that has copies of all the emails then you probably
wouldn't have found it held in any other form either.

In my opinion, for current ongoing members, the ease of keeping up and the
immediacy of a topic and the responses by far outweighs a forum type setup.

The informality of a mailing list for me also allows a greater sense of
getting to know the other members as I see their questions or responses over
a wide range of topics.  I access a forum type setup for things to do with
my vehicle and while useful at times, the immediacy, the camaraderie and the
interest pale a bit and it's a hassle to have to login to that group.
Emails I read all the time and it takes little effort to keep up with the
C320 goings on, forum groups require a specific action and time commitment
which is a hassle if you get interrupted whereas with emails they are just
waiting for me along with all my other emails when I get back to them.

If I had to logon and wade through several topics to see what's been
happening in the C320 world then the attraction of the group would fade for
me.  It just becomes too time consuming and you still run the risk of
missing some little gem hidden away under a topic not normally of interest
whereas if the emails come in in a stream its very easy to scan them in

Stephen Cox
Tegwen #1141

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