[C320-list] radome pole mount

Amiraults Family amiraults at sympatico.ca
Wed Oct 31 13:33:03 PDT 2012



Mine came from the original owner with a rear mounted radome on a pole. The
pole has the bottom end of the tube closed with a cap including a projecting
eye. The starboard side swim platform seat has bolted to it a plate with a
projecting double eye which the eye at the bottom of the pole fits between
and is then pinned. The pole is kept fixed in place by a bar coming off the
pole and attached to another plate, and a clamp which grabs the pole and
then attaches to the pushpit beside the stern gate.if all that makes sense.


As the boat now is land locked on a river with limited travel scope, the
pole and dome have been removed. Of note, however, is that this
configuration seems to have placed so much strain on the stern rail that the
base plate of the rail that attaches immediately beside the stern gate
actually bent upward and backward. This left both a gap between the base
plate and the fiberglass, and a misalignment of the rails either side of the
gate that requires force on the gate to get both of the gate clips to fasten
the gate.


This to say that I believe the above attachment technique is ill advised
based on the damage it does to the stern rail over time. Select another


Brian Amirault

797 Waltzing Bear, too 

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