[C320-list] Doyle StackPack

Amiraults Family amiraults at sympatico.ca
Sun May 17 13:44:18 PDT 2015



I started with a Dutchman system which my spouse and I could make work, but
the race crew never failed to screw up. When I wanted a new mainsail I
decided to get rid of the Dutchman as I had success with lazy jacks on a
previous boat. So I looked to Doyle for the '13 season. Our location is far
from a loft, making eventual repairs awkward. Following a review of their
products and a talk with the local representative I opted for the Cradle
Cover rather than the StackPack. 


The latter is attached to the mainsail, making it a single unit. The former
results in two separate pieces - a sail and a cover. This configuration
allows for the sail to be removed and separately returned to the maker for
service. Still, when installed it operates identically to the StackPack.
Going this route does require that you purchase an open foot main, as Cradle
Cover must slide into the grove on the boom. This does make the cover a bit
more difficult to initially install, but now that I have one, in the fall I
disconnect the lazy jacks from the cover and secure these to the mast and
then remove the boom, cover, and sail as a single unit and store it in the
main cabin for the winter.


As for performance I am very pleased. It works well, and only requires a
life vest to be stuffed into the aft end of the cover for the spring
nest-building season.


Brian Amirault

797 Waltzing Bear. too    

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