[C320-list] Search the Archives

Amiraults Family amiraults at sympatico.ca
Mon Nov 2 06:11:39 PST 2015



I was hauled for the winter this past Saturday - our club lifted 84 boats
using two commercial cranes and a lot of volunteer labour. I now need to
quickly winterize systems before we get a freeze, and I hope to have Bear
sung and covered by this coming Sunday. The winterization is complete except
for the electric bilge pump, where I found a problem.


Waltzing Bear, too is generally a dry boat, so I near-never use the pump
during the sailing season. The club eco policy does not permit the dumping
of even pink plumbers' antifreeze in the harbor or on the ground, so in the
fall when on the hard I run pink thru the system until I begin to capture it
into a bucket via a hose connected to the hull bilge outlet. I then dispose
of this down one of the clubhouse heads. In the spring I repeat the process
using fresh water to remove the antifreeze and disposing of the captured
output. Yesterday I added antifreeze to the bilge and winterized the manual
pump, but when attempting to do this with the electric pump I merely got a
lot of sound and fury which signified nothing. The end of the hose in the
bilge is clear. The float switch works. On pulling the hose-end up above the
liquid there is a gurgle sound, but the suction is VERY weak. The pump spins
and the outer flexible cover moves, but no liquid does. That's my problem.


I have not successfully logged onto the website for years after experiencing
a password failure. This is the first time I have needed to search the posts
looking for help on a topic, and the method I attempted was not valid.
THAT's why I generated the Search Archives post. 


Well SUCCESS!!! A sincere thank you to David Prudden for sending directly to
me an email setting me up again on the website. David, I have already been
in and changed the password you supplied. And having been in, I can also
thank Ted Harrison who's how-to on servicing the pump I have read closely. I
believe my solution resides there, but I will do additional looking on the
site before attempting a fix. It looks like I will be pulling the pump for a
rebuild as a winter project. Thanks guys. This is so worth the organization




Brian Amirault

797 Waltzing Bear, too   

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