[C320-list] Converting Dining Table to Full Bed

Troy Dunn troutwarrior at gmail.com
Sat Jul 21 12:30:44 PDT 2018

When we first purchased the Wonky Dog we used the salon table as a bed on
really hot nights at anchor.   Our reasoning was that it would be easier to
simply drop the table and sleep there than to move all of our junk out of
the supply closet (aka the V-berth)   I don't think we ever noticed a huge
difference in the height of the cushions but there is a bit of a "bolster"
on the cushions that are always there, so it is I suppose somewhat lumpy?
If the filler cushion is below the main seat cushion...you should raise and
lock the table a little higher.  In the end we gave up on using the salon
for sleeping quarters.    Our biggest complaint is that the design of the
pedestal to table mount is such that you will almost certainly break the
table off the mount unless you build extra support at the head and foot
ends of the table.  If you decide to do this my initial design was to have
two by fours with Velcro that mounts to the fiberglass.   Just make sure
your design is such that they support you at your preffered insert cushion
height which may not be where the support base "bottoms out".  The V-berth
is really the ideal sleeping quarter at anchor unless it's cool out, then
the aft berth for sure....that engine gives off a little warmth for a
pretty long time.


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