[C320-list] Hood Seafurl Halyard Swivel

Dave Hupe hoopdtwo at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 12 15:18:37 PDT 2018

My manual (for Hood model 800SL furler,  which is what I assume you have) indicates the bearings are 1/4-4203L torlon balls and each race takes 28 balls.  My manual lists part #7605 which is a bag containing enough balls (apparently 1/4" diameter) for 2 races (with 2 extra balls).  So...… sounds like you should be able to replace them yourself. 
Here is another source for the balls which looks like they would price out at $0.51//ball  https://drakeplastics.com/torlon-4203-balls/  That would cost $57, but their minimum order is $100 (still better than $240).
This site has bags of 1/4" balls for $13 http://www.apsltd.com/1-4-6mm-torlon-ball-bearings-set-of-21.html?fee=5&fep=20369&utm_source=Google+Shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Product&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3v3YBRCOARIsAPkLbK5NX3Z7wQHwbU3yAVYaRvHi62DAM6QzAfv5n5ybtSMx44dBv7SlVzUaAvDYEALw_wcB
Good luck!
Dave Hupe'94 Cat 320 (hull #32)Holland, MI


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