[C320-list] Hatch Size

Dave Hupe hoopdtwo at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 25 15:30:52 PDT 2018

 My cabin top hatch is a Bomar and I replaced my lens as my first relatively big boat job with one I got on ebay for $90 including shipping  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bomar-replacement-hatch-lens-16-3-8-x16-3-8-lumar-pompanette-WE-MAKE-ANY-SIZE-/301958347419   The lens (including the drilled holes for the latches) was perfect/exactly what I needed.
The job really wasn't bad to do. I bedded the new lens with Dow 795 (black).  I took the entire frame off the boat to do the job.  I replaced the lens at home and rebedded the frame using butyl tape.  Make sure to put new o-rings (greased with Teflon grease) on the latches when you reinstall them.  These o-rings dry out and leak when not maintained. 
You can do this entire job for close to $100, compared to $420 for a new hatch (that you shouldn't need). Also, you would wind up doing a lot of the same work installing a new hatch anyway. 
Dave Hupe
1994 Cat 320 "Mayan Sun" (#32)
Holland, MI

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