[C320-list] Installing Solar Vents in Hatch Glass

Christian ccaper at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 07:06:32 PST 2020

I have installed solar vents in my v berth hatch and salon hatch, and a
passive vent in my head hatch.

Very easy to do, you need a circular saw that attaches to a drill, and the
drill bit the saw attaches to.  The vent you buy will dictate the saw
diameter.  The drill bit extends past the saw, and centers your saw.  Once
the circular saw begins to make contact with the lens, you have to keep the
speed up a little to cut smoothly, but if you go too fast you'll generate
enough heat from friction you can melt the lens. Also, don't press too
hard, or the saw will bite the lens and kick back.  If you feel it
generating too much heat, stop the drill, let it cool.  Each lens, the hole
was cut in under 10 mins.

The solar vents have a little weight to them, so I set the hole slightly
back offset, towards the hinges, to distribute weight some when opened to
less prevent slamming shut.

I kept the lens circle cut out for coasters in my office.

Here's some pics.
Salon: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bb5VyzyDfX4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Head: https://www.instagram.com/p/BbQsafhjaMB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Christian Caperton
1994 C320 #138 "Cancuk"
Monroe Harbor, Chicago, IL

On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 7:53 PM Ian Neale <kiwineales at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am thinking of installing a solar powered vent in the hatch glass of one
> of the saloon hatches.
> Has anyone done this and if so how did you cut out the hole for the vent?
> Thanks, Ian Neale.
> Hull # 1122. Solutions.
> Sent from. my iPhone

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