[C320-list] Frozen Compressor on Adler Barber Cold Machine

Troy Dunn troutwarrior at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 17:49:51 PDT 2020


Your question doesn’t show up in my email feed just on the site so I had to
try to redo the subject line.

We have had this problem with a dehumidifier we use in the basement.   We
have found that turning the dehumidifier down a little seems to help a lot
to extend the useful life of the unit.

The typical cause of this problem is that your compressor is working harder
than it was designed to do originally.   This can be because you have the
fridge turned way up on a not so hot day so there is not enough  hot air
blowing across the compressor , or because your compressor fan isn't
blowing quite as  well as it used to, or you are starting to run low on

If this is your original unit and you literally have 26 years on a cold
machine.  Wow!   You got a lot of miles on that baby, but...you are going
to need a new unit sooner or later.   A recharge of your system may not be
possible if it was an older refrigerant but that is something you could
look into I suppose.

Good luck, if it's working for now, try knocking the temp back a little and
see if that clears up the icing situation....or...put a fan down there to
get more air circulation?


Troy Dunn

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