[C320-list] Rudder play

Chris Burti clburti at gmail.com
Sat May 1 12:28:47 PDT 2021

I can assure you that the rudder assembly is robust. I have had to replace two rudders, one due to a full speed hard grounding on a stump in the Alligator River canal and another after she broke a mooring ring in a hurricane and drifted into a cypress swamp…the haul out was in reverse after the water level went way back down. Both times, massive impacts and the only damage was a bent rudder post. After seventeen years, I become more impressed all the time with Catalina’s build quality.

Chris Burti
Commitment #867
Farmville, NC

From: Scott Westwood
Sent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 10:23 AM
To: c320-list at lists.catalina320.com
Subject: [C320-list] Rudder play

I just noticed a slight "play" in the rudder (1998 C320).  It is very slight.  If I go below and grab the rudder disk (Larger metal "pully" that the cable goes around-directly over the rudder tube)  I can push it side to side just very slightly.  It could have always been there but is is almost like the bearings (if any) have loosened or have developed some play.
If I turn the wheel back and forth quickly I can hear and feel the play.
Any experiences out there with that?  Major concern before we get back to NC over the next week or so or do we need to get to the first haul out ASAP?  Safe bet is haul ASAP but how robust is the rudder system?  Fairly robust I am sure, but....Is this common and I just never noticed?  Any adjustments to make?  Do the cables come loose over time?  Had boat for several years now?
Just asking for any major concerns out there or previous experiences like this.


Scott Westwood scottwestwood at bellsouth.net C (919)- 819-9794

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