[C320-list] Facebook

Troy Dunn troutwarrior at gmail.com
Sun Aug 25 18:41:02 PDT 2024

There is a lot of activity on FB no doubt.   I have not really moved off of
my original assessment that it simply isn’t an appropriate place  to ask
questions if you really have a learning mindset.  Most of the answers to
the questions asked on FB have been thoroughly discussed here and many
folks on FB treat their groups like Google without even bothering to do a
simple google search first.    I try to answer the less obvious questions
and guide folks to the association web page and email list when a topic has
been thoroughly covered.
Furthermore a lot of folks on FB have the misperception that it’s ok to
espouse opinions as fact and rather than enter into a good learning
 discussion focus on being right as opposed to actually learning the fine
points of an opposing view (which may or may not be true and in many cases
in sailing could simply depend on the compromises you are juggling as a
boat owner.)
Once upon a time FB was great for sharing photos and words about good times
or how things are going with friends but the price of admission has gotten
steep, and the algorithms make it harder every day to actually use the app
in this way without wading through absolute garbage.
If you have managed to avoid FB up to now…why ruin a good streak?


Hull #514

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