[C320-list] Water in the Fuel

M K mknoll8181 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 03:52:25 PDT 2024

I was out motoring yesterday and my Westerbeke diesel began stumbling/
dying.  I was able to keep it running and get to a nearby fuel dock and tie
up.  Ater 30 minutes I fired it up and it ran well and I was able to return
to my slip.  I am a new owner and had just washed the boat that morning for
the first time swince launching.  I suspect a dirty fiilter or water in the
fuel.  If the filter is the cuplrit just changing should do it.  Water in
the fuel is what I am looking for input on.

In addition to washing, I have recently repaced the fill cap and tube
assembly withn the fiberglass/plastic one from Catlina Direct and don't
know if that may be contributing.  The vent tube may also have taken in
water from wash water rolling off the stern.  I didn't wash directly in the
vent area of the stern.

I am concerned that if I find water will this require draining the tank and
getting a suction hose into the bottom to pull out the water? (Of course
just filled it up last weekend)
Another site mentioned a changing to a "trap" style vent tube to prevent
water from entering through the factory vent tube...Is this an issue with
the 320?  Mine is a1996.

Matt Knoll
Mary Anne #315

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