[C320-list] Jib size

Troy Dunn troutwarrior at gmail.com
Sun Mar 3 07:49:45 PST 2024

For us simplicity and ability to cover a wide range of winds will trump
pointing and high performance.   On the Chesapeake having a large headsail
is really necessary for light air, but there are probably better options
than a 155 Genoa if you are willing to add a assym or gennekar.    When we
initially bought Wonky Dog it had 20 year old blown out sails, original
electronics, original canvas, and some other things on the must have list
that meant sticking with the 155 originally.    As most know the difference
between a well designed and crisp 155 and a blown out original stock 155 is
night and day and we don’t seem to suffer all that bad on pointing.    We
bought an Elvström sail that was custom cut for our boat from Chesapeake
Sailmakers.    It’s a fantastic sail and the luff tapes seem to help shape
when reefed.   Racer's would probably just buy more sails ans change sails.
  We are still quite happy with the 155, although I have been eyeing a bow
sprit and a furlex for sailing north on the Chesapeake in summer, it seems
like no matter whether we want to go NNE, N, or NNW in summer, the wind is
always right at our back.


Troy Dunn
Hull #514

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