[C320-list] Sail slides

Dave Anderer danderer at udel.edu
Sat Apr 14 13:05:37 PDT 2007

The sails on our '99 weren't in bad shape, but were somewhat  
mildewed.  The local loft washed them last winter and that didn't  
impact the stains much.

This winter I sent them to Sail Care (http://www.sailcare.com/).  I'm  
normally skeptical of approaches like this, but I've had sails they  
worked on before (done by the previous owner on my previous boat) and  
the result were real good.

I got the sails back a couple weeks ago and went to bend them on  
today.  They look great.  Sail Care also did a lot of work I didn't  
know they'd do - replacing the velcro on the batten pockets and  
replacing the headboard, for example.  They also replaced all the  
slides on the main with beautiful new articulating (SS?) slides.

Unfortunately, these new slides are the wrong size.  They're too big  
for the slot on the mast.

I expect Sail Care will handle this w/o problem, but I want to know  
what the right kind of slides are.  The manual suggests it is an  
Isomat spar though it has a Charleston Spars sticker on the boom. The  
likely Isomat candidates (http://www.rigrite.com/Spars/Isomat_Spars/ 
Isomat_Masts/isomat_Mast_Specs_&_Comp.html#Isomat_Mast_Sections) seem  
to all specify "3/4" flat slides (A006M)".

Doing a quick web search for those turns up http://www.sail- 
making.com/dbimgs/page78_79_80us.pdf, which says the A006M has a  
waist of 3/8".  The slot on the mast only measured 3/16" wide today,  
so something isn't right.

So, what is the mast section on my boat, and what are the proper slides?


Meanderer II

(For the curious, the new/wrong slides can be seen at http://udel.edu/ 

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