[C320-list] Lake Michigan C320 Regatta

Alan Goodman goodmanalanlee at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 22 14:51:26 PST 2013

There is a LMCA annual get together hosted at the Macatawa Bay Yacht Club with over flow dockage next door at my marina (Eldean Shipyard).  Here is the URL for the Lake Macatawa chart:  http://www.charts.noaa.gov/OnLineViewer/14932.shtml.   My thoughts are that a separate C320 regatta would be more fun in that a smaller group would allow closer interaction.  To avoid conflicts with the LMCA event, we should choose a different weekend (even month) for a dedicated C320 event (so those who want to attend the LMCA do not have a conflict nor are we seen as competing with the LMCA).  There is a public anchorage are on Lake Macatawa right by my marina (see chart) and my marina offers transient slips (http://eldean.com).  White Lake is also a great place, very serene and the water is crystal clear (great swimming), and fine anchoring by the Post Office in the SW corner of the lake (http://www.charts.noaa.gov/OnLineViewer/14935.shtml).  Grand Haven would be much more 'bustling' and the town is on the river (http://www.charts.noaa.gov/OnLineViewer/14933.shtml) but does not offer any inland sailing opportunity.   Personally, I am willing to cross over to Door County, Wisconsin as part of my three week summer cruise  ... never been there but do hear it is (almost as ) fabulous (as the west coast of Michigan, or as some insist, the east coast of Lake Michigan).  

So, (i) who might be interested in attending (no commitment at this point) and (ii) who would work with me to organize the event? 


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